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promo 2 - Copy.png



for this topic i had to make promotional material for the school. i chose to experiment with styles incorpopirating elements from the promotional work of other big establishments such as BBC and VICE. The image on the left is a promotional device in the instagram post format 



my task was to make promotional material for global academy. unlike the first item i decided to follow the styles of other globa material. going as far as to using font finders and using stock images from the schools database. 

picture - Copy.png


Media Toolkit

during this task we had to learn 4 of the major editing software's from the adobe creative cloud. learning the features of each retrospective software and understand its capabilities and limits. the image on the left is an example of my test photoshop work. 



for this work i had to improve upon a clients packaging material including nubian art and neutral earth tones to convey the values of the client.

packing hella goosd.png


Jingle Bell Ball

during this task we had to learn 4 of the major editing software's from the adobe creative cloud. learning the features of each retrospective software and understand its capabilities and limits. the image on the left is an example of my test photoshop work. 

Top 3 video


Potato Pat

For this projects we had to make a food waste psa for cadbury and the co-operative. my project follows the story of potato pat a vegatable going through alot.


For this project we had to make a top 5 video in the style of major YouTube creators. a ranking style that has become popular on major social media websites

Top 3 video


i have become accustom to media trends and understand how to utilize them effectively

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i can lead groups and encourage full potential out of my team

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i have been taught and trained in major editing software

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 changing my styles and methods to best suit the requirements of my client

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Arts Award: Unit 1

for this task i had to learn one new arts medium that i was not confident in or an art form i was unexperienced in. i chose digital illustration and design. using YouTube tutorials and the help from my schools staff to learn photoshop and achieve the effects and themes i desired. my title was movie posters which i  used as a medium to learn about my software and obtain the skills required. i though best to make 3 movie posters with multiple drafts each. where after every session i would ask my teacher or another member of staff for some form of constructive criticism which i would incorporate in my next session, until i got the 3 posters you see above. 

Audience and Research

for this task i had to complete research for a client - either kahoot or snapchat i did both. on the left i did two graphs demonstrating student teacher users

HELP                                    PRIVACY                           DONT TAKE MY SUNSHINE AWAY                           COOKIE POLICIE 

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